Henry Louis gates

Henry Louis gates
This is me...

Don Quixote

Don Quixote

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Touchstone(s). #1

Yes, there are several. but I can't help it. As soon as I tried to think of poetry, or pieces of poetic prose, I thought of more. Here are some, and I'm sure that this list will be added to:

From Shakespeare's Rome and Juliet:
r: I dreamt a dream tonight
m: well so did I!
r: and what was yours?
m: that dreamers often lie
r: in bed asleep while they do dream things true
m: then I see queen mab hath been with you

Although it's been years, since my freshman year of high school, since I've read the play, and even though my copy is on my bookshelf in Colorado, I thought of this passage. It's memorized, actually. Which I'm pretty proud of considering my struggles with Idea of Order in Key West

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